Why This Blog?

I was recently studying the student protests of the 1960s and this peeked my interest. I have to say I was quite taken with the way these students stood up for what they believed, despite what the consequences may have been. I strongly believe that Christians should do the same. Maybe not in the same way the students of the student protests did, but certainly to the same degree.

I am a Christian and I believe that focusing on God is what we were CREATED FOR. Outside of Him there is nothing. People leave Him out of politics, and those who think we should put Godly views back into our government are sometimes scared to speak. Well here I am, a college student barely 2 decades old and I am going to speak. I am going to speak my mind about what is happening in our country and how we can help. Prayer is wonderful, but we cannot stop there. We must act! We must do. If you care of America in the way I do I encourage you to read this blog and what I have to say. There are a million different opinions in the world, and a million different views among Christians alone. I can pretty much guarantee everyone who reads this blog will at some point disagree with me, politics is very controversial. But that shouldn't stop you from reading it or voicing your opinions about it. Speak up, hold your ground and for this country's sake Take a Stand!!!!!

Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you. - Hebrews 13:17